2024 Maternal Power Production Sale December 9th-14th / 145 Head Sell - 79 Bulls - 60 Bred Heifers - 6 Elite Heifer Calves
2022 Maternal Power Production Sale Dates

2022 Maternal Power Production Sale Dates

As we always say, Time Flies, and that was the truth this year again. As we are all too familiar with. Calving seems to run right into branding, branding into breeding season, breeding season right into haying and so forth. The time has now come back around to thinking about your next herd sire. This year we have expanded our offering to 66 bull calves and 54 bred heifers. We are excited about this group of cattle, they have summered well and are looking great.

We will continue to have our sale set up with a 9 day silent auction format. This year our sale will run from December 6th through December 14th. We will continue to post updates to the sale on our website as well as Facebook and Instagram. As always we appreciate your interest and support, and we look forward to visiting with you.

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